Friday, August 28, 2009

Mass Desctuction

We live rather close to Lindenwood University and when it gets time for us to move we will be using our home as rental property for students. Recently, Lindenwood has been demolishing all their rental property near our house, which is good and bad at the same time. They took out tons of really old shady trees, but the homes were so old and ugly that they really needed to go. We aren't sure what's going up in its place - rumors of a post office, grocery store, Target, new road construction, etc. have been floating around. Our Realtor has sworn it will only increase the value of our home, but we are just a bit nervous. If Lindenwood can keep it looking like its beautiful campus (tree lined with all brick dorms and facility's) it will be amazing.
Aerial view of the campus and our home that I took recently. Double click image for large view, as I've circled our home.

The magnification trees being pulled up

We went a explored many of the homes after they had cleaned them out. Some had really nice hardwood floors and other details that I was surprised they didn't try to salvage.

We really hope they lay down some grass seed

I wish I had more before and after pictures of the homes, but you can see the entrance to the University from this pic.

Lindenwood's campus

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